Audio Resources
Founder Bill Ronzheimer speaks around the country to provide support for couples affected by a wife’s childhood sexual abuse. We have included two of his presentations on our website for your reference. We invite you to use these audio presentations for your ministry needs.
Dr. Bill Ronzheimer and his wife Pamela were interviewed in a 3-part program with Dave and Ann Wilson and Bob Lepine on FamilyLife Today which aired in June 2020. In this 3-episode radio interview, Pamela tells her story as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. She transparently speaks of the shame and long-term effects that invade the life and marriage of a survivor. Together, Bill and Pamela speak of the individual changes for both husbands and wives that are necessary for the healing of marriages affected by sexual abuse.
The Shrapnel of Sexual Abuse
with Bill and Pamela Ronzheimer | June 8, 2020
Bill and Pamela Ronzheimer, founders of Marriage Reconstruction Ministries, tell how their marriage has been affected by Pamela’s past sexual abuse. Pamela, who was abused by a school principal beginning when she was 9, thought she had put the abuse behind her when she went to college. She was fun and carefree when she and Bill fell in love. Life was good for the first ten years of their marriage. Find out what pushed Pamela to finally reveal her past abuse to Bill.
Facing Up to Abuse
with Bill and Pamela Ronzheimer | June 9, 2020
Pamela Ronzheimer, joined by her husband Bill, didn’t realize she had scar tissue on her soul from past sexual abuse until she started sharing her pain with Bill and others. A pastor, Bill says he listened to Pamela but didn’t fully understand the depth of her pain. Pamela sought counseling, and Bill admits he wasn’t as supportive as he should have been. Eight years crept by without Pamela getting much help. As Pamela began to sink deeper into despair, she tells how their once happy marriage became hell on earth.
Healing from Abuse
with Bill and Pamela Ronzheimer | June 10, 2020
Bill and Pamela Ronzheimer talk about the journey they took to find healing for their marriage as they dealt with Pamela’s past sexual abuse. Looking back, they realize that as they became more transparent about Pam’s abuse with others, something began to change. Bill realized that his pride had kept him from loving Pamela well. Supported by their church’s love and prayers, they both sought counseling. Hear them share why they’d never go back to the marriage they had before.
How to Speak and Listen as a Husband
The first audio presentation is from a men’s marriage communication seminar.

Finding New Patterns for Responding to Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
The next audio presentation is from a break-out session offered at the Men’s No Regrets Conference in February of 2016.
If your wife, sister, family member, or female friend is a victim/survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), you have probably experienced the disruptive effects that CSA can have on relationships, especially marriage. Because of emotional distancing from their wives, husbands of CSA survivors often encounter a sense of rejection. They can become frustrated by the unpredictable behavior and emasculation that results from dysfunctional sexual relationships with their wives. Bill Ronzheimer is the husband of a CSA survivor, a researcher in the field of sexual abuse and marriage, and a pastor who has served both healthy and hurting families. Bill’s presentation explains the effects of CSA and explores healthy responses for husbands.
“It is my passion to support husbands whose wives are victims of childhood sexual abuse while they explore healthy patterns for responding to their wives and reconstructing their marriages.” -Bill Ronzheimer