Helping men and women rebuild marriages affected by a wife's childhood sexual abuse.
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In my previous blog, I listed behaviors that can indicate our own controlling behavior. Controlling behavior is the attempt to control how others act, think, feel, respond, live, use their money, and more. Controlling behavior violates the boundaries of healthy relationships and will damage any relationship: marriage, siblings, coworkers, neighbors, and anywhere you find two or more people. As a…
As I descended the hill into the parking lot of the retreat center, I noticed a man with a clipboard standing on the left edge of the gravel drive. His black Derby Bowler hat accentuated his dark eyes. He stared me down, indicating that I was to stop and lower my window. Without any greeting, he asked, “What time is…
Some people are tuned into their emotions, while others never think about emotions or minimize their importance. If you were raised in a home where emotions were never spoken of or might have even been ridiculed, you likely minimize the role of emotions in your life. However, avoiding our emotions is detrimental to our well-being, given that our emotions can…
My wife Pamela has ministered to survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) for over 25 years, and together, we’ve been ministering to couples affected by CSA for over 15 years. For eight years, Marriage Reconstruction Ministries, Inc. (MRM) has been the “distribution center” of our ministry to couples by helping them reconstruct their marriage affected by a wife’s CSA. Our ministry…

Help, My Wife Is A Survivor of Sexual Abuse
New Perspectives and Patterns for Husbands
The author, writing as if he is chatting with you over coffee, answers each question in turn during the 10 corresponding chapters:
What is a normal marriage?
When do I get my wife back?
Should I stay or should I go?
Why doesn’t God heal my wife?
When will this be over?
Why can’t she just get over it?
What do I do with my anger towards her perpetrator?
Our sexual relationship is in trouble! What should I do?
Why is it so difficult to communicate with my wife?
Why does she seem to change at the flip of a switch?