How to Resolve Shame

Though every survivor of childhood sexual abuse has their own unique story, shame is a common long-term effect for all survivors. Shame is a disconnect from others and self that can be common to all but especially imposed upon survivors of sexual abuse and their spouses. It rises out of a sense that something is wrong with me. Responses to shame include withdrawal, attacking self, attacking others, and avoidance. None of these responses serve to resolve shame.

In this nine-minute video, I share my personal application of four connections necessary for resolving shame as identified by licensed psychologist, Dr. Daniel Green in his work Connection and Healing. I invite you to listen. I believe my vulnerability as I draw from my journey will offer you guidance, hope, and resolve as you continue in your journey.


  • Margaret Machlan
    Posted July 8, 2020 11:20 am 0Likes

    Thank you for your ministry! I appreciate this video “Resolving Shame” and will share it with my clients, and encourage use of your additional resources.

    Are there resources for marriages in which the husband experienced CSA?

    • Bill Ronzheimer
      Posted July 8, 2020 11:54 am 0Likes

      Margaret, thank you for your comment and your interest. Cecil Murphey has written the book, When a Man You Love was Abused: A Woman’s Guide to Helping Him Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation. It is written from a Christian perspective and is published by Kregel. In addition to the blogs on our website for Marriage Reconstruction Ministries, please also note the book I have written, Help, My Wife is a Survivor of Sexual Abuse: Answers to Your Most Important Questions.

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